Documentary film Projects

Breaking Borders official screening was on 29 April 2024 at IL Kino Berlin

Breaking Borders - Award Winning Berlin Wall Documentary film

"Breaking Borders" is not just a tale of tragedy; it is also a story of resilience and hope. Through the eyes of Andreas's son, Sebastian Jaeger, we see the legacy of his father's bravery unfold in a new generation. Raised in the freedom of the West, Sebastian embraces his father's spirit of defiance and embarks on a journey of his own as a dancer and actor. Sebastian's pursuit of his dreams serves as a powerful tribute to Andreas and all those who fought against the oppression of the Berlin Wall.

His performances on stage and screen are a testament to the enduring power of art to transcend boundaries and unite people across divides. As viewers follow Sebastian's path to success, they are reminded of the importance of remembering the struggles of the past and honoring those who sacrificed everything for a better future. "Breaking Borders" challenges us to reflect on the barriers—both physical and metaphorical—that continue to divide us and to find the courage to break free from them. In a world where walls still stand tall, both literally and figuratively, the legacy of Andreas Jaeger lives on as a beacon of hope and inspiration. His story reminds us that even in the face of adversity, the human spirit can soar above boundaries and limitations, reaching for a brighter tomorrow.

This emotionally charged film explores the journey of overcoming past trauma, featuring intimate stories from women across the globe who have faced adversity and emerged as beacons of resilience and empowerment. Silent Scars to witness a compelling tapestry of stories that inspire hope and healing. Stories of Strength and Survival: overcoming trauma and creating a safer world for all, This film is a tribute to the courage it takes to confront the past and the transformative power of resilience.

Silent Scars - Rape & Sexual Violence Awareness Documentary Film

Naima Nazir: Born to a German mother and Egyptian father, Naima is the co-founder of Roots-Berlin, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating safe spaces for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color). Her story highlights the importance of community support in the healing process.

Karya: A gifted classic oil painter from Turkey, Karya’s story reveals her harrowing experience of abuse at the hands of her mother, starting at age 12, and the challenges she faced during her early adolescence. Through art, she found a way to confront her past and reclaim her narrative.

Silent Scars premiere took place at English Theatre Berlin on March 2nd 2025

Violence against women remains a pervasive global issue, affecting millions across diverse cultures and societies. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence, predominantly by an intimate partner.

This statistic underscores the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to address and prevent such violence. In the realm of sexual violence, UNICEF reports that over 370 million girls and women globally—about 1 in 8—have suffered rape or sexual assault before the age of 18.

This alarming figure highlights the vulnerability of young females to sexual violence and the long-term repercussions it entails. as we observe International Women's Day, it is imperative to acknowledge the persistent issue of violence against women. Documentaries like "Silent Scars" play a vital role in amplifying voices that might otherwise remain unheard, inspiring hope, and advocating for change. By accelerating action and investing in prevention, support, and education, we can aspire to a future where all women and girls live free from violence and fear.

Idris's films beautifully capture real-life stories, inspiring change and fostering understanding through authentic narratives.

John Doe

A group of people is engaged in a film or video production. One person sits on the floor operating a camera mounted on a dolly track, while another person, likely a director or assistant, stands nearby. The setting is dimly lit, with beams of light streaming down, creating a focused and dramatic atmosphere.
A group of people is engaged in a film or video production. One person sits on the floor operating a camera mounted on a dolly track, while another person, likely a director or assistant, stands nearby. The setting is dimly lit, with beams of light streaming down, creating a focused and dramatic atmosphere.
